“As water reflects the face,
so one’s life reflects the heart.”

Proverbs 27:19


When Josh and I learned that we had a musical and spiritual connection, we were sitting on the living room floor of my apartment.
He had a guitar. I had a glass of wine.
We started talking about artists we loved and songs that moved us only to find these things were very similar.
Our souls talk when we make music.

As we reflect on our journeys, we see how God has brought us both through difficulties and personal growth.
He used us to bring joy through music to anyone who heard us.

It has been a long time since “Cate & Josh” have performed together.
Too long.
It’s time to be joyful again.




We recorded this project on the Joyful Noise Performance & Recording Ship and rocked so hard the boat moved! I am so proud of my first album, Legacy. This album is different in all the best ways and I know you will love it as I do.
Be ready to feel every emotion and rock… from Jason Isbul to Zepplin. It’s a wild ride!
$20 price includes shipping

www.unlockedmission.com and www.The30-DaysFoundation.org. These organizations make a difference on many levels in people’s lives that need help. I was once one of those people in a very dire situation and could have benefitted so much from people like Peter and Michele Borne and Mick Sterling. I am proud of my story and journey and I look forward to helping others with this opportunity. You may still make separate donations to either of those charities by clicking on the links.